

Exodus 3:4

“And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, “I AM has sent me to you.”

The Hebrew word for Lord, God’s name, is YHWH. Translated “I AM” and used as the most holy and sublime name of God. It was whispered by the high priest in the Most Holy Place once a year. Outside of that important occasion, the name was never written or spoken. It was considered too sacred for mere mortals to speak. Spelled only by capital letters without vowels for fear mortal man, unworthy persons, would actually speak the holy name of God. Later, in our translations some vowels were inserted, but no one knows what actual vowels should be used. We now pronounce it “Yahweh.”

YHWH, or Yahweh, speaks of God as “He that always was, always is, and ever is to come.” God revealed this name to Moses, and it became the name associated with the covenant between God and His people. “I will be your God, and you will be my people” (Ezk 36:28)

That Old Testament covenant has been fulfilled in the New Testament, enabling us to find forgiveness for our sins and to enjoy an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father. As we live by faith, we come to know God as Healer, Protector, Provider, Comforter, and Savior. In covenant, He gave himself for us, not only on the Cross, but in daily living, and calls us to give ourselves to Him in holy living and service to Him. By faith we each surrender the control of our life to Him. He becomes our God and we become His people.

Please know that a biblical covenant is a mutual agreement between two persons or groups connecting the two by the covenant. In a covenant with God it is not equal persons making covenant, for we will never be equal to God. But in covenant, God has committed himself to be our personally related God, for by way of the Cross He has paid for the pardon of our sins. Our side of the covenant is FAITH. We must exercise faith, believing in Christ and what He has done for us, acknowledging our sin and with repentance, accepting by faith His forgiveness cleansing, and justification. We have become His children.

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