
They think us strange

1 Peter 4:3-4

For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles–when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries. In regard to these, they think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you. (NKJV)


The new life-style of careful, godly, living is an open condemnation of the values of a pagan society in every age.   Peter rightly notes that the pagan response will be one of astonishment when Christians refuse to participate with them in the “same flood of dissipation” (v.4).


What the Gentiles like to do, as described in the verses above called the “flood of dissipation,” is really a contrast between the will of mankind and “the will of God” (v.2).


Lewdness (lasciviousness) shocking indecency, unbridled lustful indulgence, sexual sins..

Licentiousness (in some translations) is self-serving sensuality, and the reference is to shameless conduct that gratifies the senses and paralyzes the Spirit.


Lusts (compelling desires) desires that are so strong that they compel you to do what is wrong..


Drunkenness, laterally, excess of wine or as we would say it, “too much to drink. It is the subjection of body and mind to the evil effects of alcohol and the risks of its ruinous enslavement through addiction.


Revelries, rioting, wild parties where animal instincts are shamelessly called forthIn every age humanity’s most abused and most deadly drug is alcohol. and irresponsibly turned loose, orgies


Drinking parties, drinking bouts that lead to all manner of evil deeds and responses.


Abominable idolatries, lawless, wanton acts that were part of the lewd orgies connected with pagan image-worship and pagan temple prostitutes.. 


Nothing on Peter’s list of ungodly behavior was considered particularly immoral in the Greco-Roman world of the time. When Christians did not participate in such activity, they were simply labeled antisocial.  Similarly, many ungodly behaviors today are accepted by society as perfectly normal and Christians are being accused of being bigots because they choose not to sanction or participate in  such activities..  Others are attempting to rewrite Scripture to make their debauchery seem normal and blessed of God.

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