
This Untoward Generation

             Acts 2:40 “Be saved from this untoward (perverse, crooked) generation.”


Peter did not say, “be saved from God’s condemnation” or “be saved from eternal hell,” but “be saved from this crooked generation.” The crooked generation referred to the perverted Jews in that age, who rejected God’s Christ (v.36), and were considered by God as “this present evil world” (Gal. 1:4). Who would dare say this is not a crooked, and perverse generation? It seems this principle applies also to America today.


The idea is that the crooked generation which denied and crucified the Lord is hurrying on to their destruction. Those who would not perish with them must come out from amongst them and be separate from them (2 Cor. 6:18-20). Salvation is always from a present evil, affecting not only the individual but the society. We have been made ambassadors of Christ with the assignment, “ministry of reconciliation.” Being reconciled to God, here and now, not when we die or think we might.


Of course we should share that without Christ they face the condemnation of God. John 3:18 says they are condemned already. And we should share that they need to be saved from eternal Hell. However, this text opens a new door for witnessing. This present evil world is a very present danger. It is destructive, sucks out all hope, increases stress, and it is getting worse by the day. People are looking for hope right now, not “pie in the sky by and by.” They often measure the church and Christian believers by the help they offer in this life. I am not here talking about benevolence, although that too is important. This new door says, one can be saved from this present evil world, not by suicide, but by God’s forgiveness and grace. Even suicides don’t want to die. They just see no alternatives. We have the only true alternative.


God’s salvation is free, already paid for by Christ on the Cross, but this generation must see the evil and desire to be free from its bondage. Repentance will bring Salvation which can free, cleanse, and energize a new life, because the indwelling Holy Spirit works within us “both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13). Going to Hell is too far away, any many non-believers believe this present evil world is Hell. Heaven is still too distant to have meaning to many today. But deliverance, forgiveness, cleansing and becoming a new person are ideas that will prick the heart of many today. For they too fear this present evil world–this Hell on earth. Some who have not yet feared are already experiencing the destruction this age brings upon them. Sin and repentance may have to be explained, but they must act in faith in Jesus Christ, and desiring repentance ask for this new salvation and the deliverance from this present evil world that He offers.


Remember ,we have the “ministry of reconciliation.” That is our job, and if we dare tell our story of reconciliation (our personal experience and testimony) they will soon have their story to tell. The God who saved us, is waiting to save them, then their story will begin.


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